Tuesday 4 February 2014

Today's gem

Again, this guy is from OKC. I talk to these people because I'm bored and they amuse me. If they get boring or offensive, I leave.

Him: Hi I hate conversations that start like this, like what are you expecting me to say?

Me: Hi.

Him: How was ur day

Me: Good, I guess, nothing amazing. How was yours?

Him: Hee hee
Him: Myn was samd nuthng amazing just went simply
Him: So wat r u doing nw
Him: Hey by d way u luk pretty n beautiful

Me: Just sitting here, finishing up some work and drinking hot chocolate. You?

Him: Ohhh wowww

Me: What?

Him: Dis is nt fair u r drinking alone without ma company

Me: It's totally fair, I think. Drinking hot chocolate is great alone.

Him: Myself just doing some studies n now on bed chatting with u
Him: Ok ok sry sry
Him: Njoy ur hot choclate alone
Him: I was just kidding
Him: So u r pshycology student sounds intresting

Me: It is, I'm halfway through my degree now.

Him: Grt
Him: So how you gt intrested in this subject

Me: I did it in sixth form and loved it. It provides a way to help people, which is what I've always wanted to do.

Him: Impressive u r so sweet n pure by heart
Him: I wish n pray u gt d success all d wAy in ur life
Him: So what all u study i mean how u tackle these people

Me: I don't know about that, I guess I'm as sweet as anyone else. I just think everyone deserves help when they need it.

Him: Thats true
Him: I agree
Him (slightly later because I couldn’t think of a reply to his last message): Slept

Me: Slept?

Him: Oops i mean did u slept or awake
Him: Tomorrow u wl b going college

Me: No, I'm awake, and I'm not in university tomorrow.

Him: Ohh great
Him: So any plans on this valentine day

Me (going all Kat Stratford on him. Also this is my actual opinion, I’m not just trying to deflect his intentions): No. I dislike Valentine's Day on principle- it's a commercialised holiday designed to guilt people into buying overpriced crap to somehow prove their love. Also, if you love someone, you should show them every day, not just one arbitrarily chosen one each year. However, my friend's birthday is that day so I guess I might be doing something with him.

Him: Ohhhh thats great thinking on dis day i do have same opinion 
Him: And on that day nehow u r with a guy (is this a requirement on V day?)
Him: Dats grt
Him: So r u single

Me: It's great that I'm with a guy? I guess, probably with his girlfriend too. Yes, I'm single. (as stated on my profile)

Him: Ohhh he gt gf 
So what u expect from ur guy i mn what u have dream about ur guy or ur prince

Me: What? About my friend? I expect him to be nice to me, I guess. yes, he's got a girlfriend and she's awesome. We talk about cats together.

Him: No i mean what do u expect from ur in future boyfriend n what qualities u want in him

Me: I don't really think about it, to be honest. I find that if you have set hopes, no one will be able to live up to them. I guess I'd want a future partner to live fairly close by, be intelligent, have a job or be in education, and be well-groomed. (Note: this guy lives nowhere near me and clearly has problems with literacy. his profile has no info on jobs and education, so no idea there)

Anyway, this guy is not giving up but is kind of boring now, so I'll spare you the rest unless something interesting comes up. Laters. 

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