Friday 7 February 2014

Another "romantic scenario"...

Seriously, who responds positively to these? People forcing their weird scenarios onto me are just odd. What's wrong with "Hello"?

Random 32 year old man: Hey there. Let me create a romantic scenario for you: You are at a wedding as you know the bride.... It has been a beautiful, magical day. But during the reception, a man in his late 20s/early 30s who you personally found attractive asks you for a dance. X What would you say? Xx

Me: I'd say no, I don't dance unless I'm very drunk, and even then with no one except my dad. I'd also say that I find people who begin conversations by forcing their "romantic scenarios" on people half their age rather creepy, and even more so when they put Xs on the message.
Note: Dad and I dance together because we're both terrible and a bit dangerous, and no one else will usually dance with us. 
Also, I'm 19 so not half his age, but still significantly younger than him. 

I'm not sure if this guy is the same one who sent me another "romantic scenario" a few posts back. I checked my OKC messages but must have deleted that one, so I don't know if this guy is the same.

I then ventured a look at his profile. He seems to have a very set idea of his future bride.

Sincere and down to earth, my lady love has to be pure of heart, (what does that even mean?) honest and a jolly person! I hope to complete the perfect picture of my life with a loving and sincere partner. As a photographer, my job is to look for the most beautiful things out there and capture them and that's exactly what I intend to do. I'm searching for my Mona Lisa who I'm sure is waiting out
there in The Starry Night looking for me as I am for her.

The type of woman I find attractive tends to be passionate about nature and getting outside. She knows the difference between a good Cabernet and a bad Sauvignon and can keep up during conversations that extend beyond the latest celebrity scandal. If that sounds like you, send me a message and let’s chat more… (because that's not sexist at all, you know. Most women are totally vapid and care about nothing more than Kate Middleton's vagina or what Tiger Woods did. I don't keep up with celebs so I have no idea what's happening with them now, I know my examples are old!)

Also, he didn't mention height in his "first things people notice section"! He just wrote something mildly creepy...

That my civilised demeanour doesn’t quite fit with my less than innocent eyes.

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