Thursday 6 February 2014

Looking at profiles...

So today, as you may have guessed, I'm looking at profiles of people that OKC thinks I might like. One, who is an 80% match, and rather cute, caught my eye. However, I am a little put off by finding this in his profile:

I think the thing I'm best at is being a friend and a boyfriend. I like to think I'm one of the very view genuine guys left in the world! :)

It wasn't in bold, but I'm using bold to show profile quotes in this post, you see. Anyway, this just really puts me off. I'm sure he's a great guy, but I dislike it when people make a big deal of being "genuine", as if everyone else in the world is deceitful. Surely genuine-ness should be the norm? He is trying to make out that there are very few nice guys in the world, and anyone would be lucky to have him, in my opinion. Besides that, why is his best thing "being a friend and boyfriend"? This section is usually used to showcase skills or nice qualities. This tells me nothing! Everyone likes different things, you know? Also, he clearly doesn't proofread. Still, his literacy skills are better than most on the internet...

Another one amused me. The section was "The most private thing I'm willing to admit"

I love sex ;)

I think that one's pretty self-explanatory!

Wait, hold on, guys. I've just found a guy who sells wine for a living. I've found THE ONE. I'm messaging this one. I know this blog is for all the creepers but I feel I should show you all that there are some nice (wine-providing) profiles!

The next winner is so inspiring, I will post everything on his profile. Here goes: 

Enthusiastic, play football sex god


I think OKC is running out of matches for me. Also, looking through profiles, I have noticed that under the "The first thing people notice about me" section, most guys (I haven't looked at many girls' profiles) seem to mention their height. I can understand this if they are especially tall or short (I have height in that section of my profile, as I am 5'1, and so people do tend to comment on it), but most of the ones I have seen tend to be average height, like around 5'10 (There is a section for demographics and one thing is height, so most people have theirs up). I don't understand that. Why would you notice something average as the first thing? Maybe that's just me, but if I meet a person of average height, I don't tend to focus on it- I focus on hair, eyes, clothing, whatever. This is just another online dating mystery...


I've just found this on a profile under the "first things" section.

pfffft that I am average height at 5ft 7 ....... yes average not short!

I think this proves my point. I also think that he may have a height complex.

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